PSYC 4541-003, Spring 2016

Applied Multidimensional Scaling

Lecture 9:30–10:45 Tuesday and Thursday, Muenzinger E311

Lew Harvey

Picture of Lew Harvey

Office Hours:
Muenzinger D251B
in class and by appt.

Three Dimensional
Stimulus Representation

Picture of Lew Harvey

Individual Differences Scaling

In this course you will learn how to apply the powerful techniques of multidimensional scaling to psychological data. You will learn how to use the smacof package in the open source R Project for Statistical Computing for carrying out these analyses. You will read original journal articles and analyze data sets of others and of your own. The precise type of psychological data we examine will depend on the interests of the students in the class.

Please read the University of Colorado Policy on Academic Integrity. An excellent discussion of plagiarism and how to avoid it is found here.

The syllabus and other files below are in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf). Double-click on each active link to read the file. Mac users can use Preview, a pdf reader that is included with the OS X operating system. Windows users can download the free Adobe Reader from Adobe to read pdf files. Check out the course Desire2Learn: You will need your IdentiKey user name and password to access the course page and to download the pdf files of the journal articles.

  1. Syllabus
  2. How to Read a Journal Article
  3. Student Interest Form
  4. Readings available through Desire2Learn
  6. Week 1 Data Sets
  7. Week 2 Color Experiment
  8. Week 3 Goodness-of-Fit
  9. Week 4 Proximities
  10. Week 5 Unfolding
  11. Week 6 Constraints
  12. Week 8 Clustering
  13. Week 9 Wine Analysis
  14. Week 10 Wine Analysis Continued
  15. Week 10 Project Template
  16. Week 15 Poster Template
  17. LOH

Last Revised on Monday, 02-May-2016 16:08

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